
The original Soquel farmhouse had structural issues that were beyond repair so we tore the old house down and built this beauty as well as a nice ADU in the back. This house got our standard green building package: 2×6 framing with R-19 batt insulation, 1″ of polyiso rigid foam wrapped around the entire exterior for a total wall R-value of 27. The ceiling is R-30, the floor is R-19. The windows are good quality but not too expensive. All the lighting is LED. The appliances are Energy Star. Heat is delivered by a 96% efficient forced air heater but it does not come on much because of the good passive solar design, thermal mass, and extra insulation and air sealing. Water is heated with a GE air to water heat pump that is 240% efficient. A 3.4KW solar array powers the whole house and ADU. Low flow 1.28gpf toilets and .8gpm faucets help to save water.
1" Rigid Foam Insulation Wrap
Energy Star Appliances
Heat Pump Water Heater
LED Lighting
Lots of Natural Light
Low Water Landscaping
Metal Roof
Passive Solar Design
Solar Power
Zero VOC Paints